MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche843.568.0595
- 4366 Hope Plantation , Johns Island - $1,999,000
- 2603 Palm , Isle of Palms - $1,999,000
- 785 Copperhead , Johns Island - $1,995,000
- 110 Sparrow , Isle of Palms - $1,995,000
- 2108 Vasi , Mount Pleasant - $1,995,000
- 2701 Canebreak , Mount Pleasant - $1,995,000
- 221 Queen , Mount Pleasant - $1,995,000
- 3874 Sawyers Island , Mount Pleasant - $1,990,000
- 175 Concord #101, Charleston - $1,985,000
- 105 Peninsula , Ravenel - $1,980,000
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