MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche843.568.0595
- 1427 Harbor Mist , Charleston - $325,000
- 1305 Sheffield , Moncks Corner - $325,000
- 5421 Roxbury , North Charleston - $325,000
- 349 Sanctuary Park , Summerville - $325,000
- 1417 Roustabout , Charleston - $325,000
- 105 Kenwood , Goose Creek - $325,000
- 2115 Landfall Way , Seabrook Island - $325,000
- 138 Chaste Tree , Goose Creek - $325,000
- 208 Sherwood , Hanahan - $325,000
- 570 Wayton , Moncks Corner - $325,000
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