MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche
- 49 Broad , Charleston - $2,695,000
- 93 Lenwood , Charleston - $2,695,000
- 3892 Ashton Shore , Mount Pleasant - $2,690,000
- 633 Coral , Mount Pleasant - $2,675,000
- 2504 Hartnett , Isle of Palms - $2,650,000
- 161 Hobcaw , Mount Pleasant - $2,650,000
- 924 Lakeview , Mount Pleasant - $2,650,000
- 0 Leeds Road , Chester - $2,620,884
- 3208 Hartnett , Isle of Palms - $2,600,000
- 130 Peninsula , Ravenel - $2,599,000
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