MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche
- 0 Jedburg Road #NULL, Summerville - $2,352,095
- 13 Airy Hall , Kiawah Island - $2,350,000
- 4 53rd , Isle of Palms - $2,350,000
- 1115 Oceanview , Charleston - $2,349,900
- 3079 Baywood , Seabrook Island - $2,349,000
- 1725 Bowline , Mount Pleasant - $2,347,000
- 377 Lofton , McClellanville - $2,300,000
- 19 Bradley Pasture , Ravenel - $2,300,000
- 11 Perseverance , Mount Pleasant - $2,300,000
- 680 Atlantic , Mount Pleasant - $2,300,000
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