MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche843.568.0595
- 524 Central , Summerville - $1,199,000
- 112 Mary Ellen , Charleston - $1,199,000
- 3731 St Ellens , Mount Pleasant - $1,199,000
- 14 Yacht Harbor , Isle of Palms - $1,199,000
- 1620 Pierpont , Charleston - $1,198,900
- 24 41st , Isle of Palms - $1,195,000
- 2993 Hidden Oak , Seabrook Island - $1,195,000
- 4187 Bald Pate , Kiawah Island - $1,195,000
- 3766 Sisseton , Mount Pleasant - $1,195,000
- 1558 Lindsey Creek , Mount Pleasant - $1,195,000
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