MLS Search Results
Area Specialist
Ariel Trouche
- 4 Battery , Charleston - $3,200,000
- 53 Iron Bottom , Daniel Island - $3,190,000
- 2678 Middle , Sullivans Island - $3,150,000
- 67 Barre , Charleston - $3,150,000
- 65 Barre , Charleston - $3,150,000
- 63 Barre , Charleston - $3,150,000
- 24 Marsh Wren Court , Kiawah Island - $3,150,000
- 24 Chalmers , Charleston - $3,120,000
- 59 Anchorage , Beaufort - $3,100,000
- 384 Overseer , Mount Pleasant - $3,100,000
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